Language : Bahasa Melayu, English, Chinese and Indian dialects
Weather : Temperature between 22º - 32ºC
Currency : Malaysian Ringgit (RM)
Clothing : Casual and informal for social occasions. Office and business suits are general attire for day-to-day work. Some restaurants might require jackets and ties for men and cocktail dresses for ladies. Batik is regarded as official wear.

Tipping : Not necessary as a 10% service charge in addition to 5% government tax is included in your bill (indicated by the ++ sign)
Major Festivals : Hari Raya Aidilfitri; Chinese New Year; Christmas; Deepavali; Thaipusam; Wesak Day; Hari Raya Aidiladha; Pesta Kaamatan (Harvest Festival)
Business hours :
Government business hours are from 8.00am till 4.15pm (Mon – Thurs); 8.00am till 4.15pm (Fri; lunch/prayer break at 12.15pm - 2.45pm ) in Kuala Lumpur .
  Private sector working hours are from 9.00am till 5.00pm (Mon – Fri)/ 9.00am till 1.00pm (Sat).
  Banking hours vary from bank to bank but are generally from 9.30am till 4.30pm (Mon – Fri).
International Airports : Kuala Lumpur International Airport , Sepang
Langkawi International Airport , Kedah
Bayan Lepas International Airport . Penang
Kuching International Airport , Sarawak
Kota Kinabalu International Airport , Sabah